Posts Tagged ‘reduce’

I was recently asked by local media to give some input on the current status of recycling. I know most of my readers like to get updates on GREEN issues so I am sharing my letter with all of you as well.

Here is what I had to say.

Thank you for asking for my input on the current state of recycling.
I coordinate park cleanups and recycling drives north of Tyler in the surrounding areas north of Tyler State park…
I really encourage you to include an early paragraph in your article that explains that the root of the recycling problems in Texas originate from political candidates driven by funding from those who insist the possible recycling incentives actually be re-directed to other programs that benefit industry growth.  Thus there has never been and may never be any state funding to support and off-set recycling related businesses. Texas may be the only state to never initiate funding for recycling programs at the state level. Thankfully several cities step up and absorb some recycling program related expenses but this is always visible in the tax rates that pay for it.
Despite this main cause, Rivers Recycling in Liberty City pushes forward to provide the areas recycling services even though they barely break even financially.
The City of Tyler does a great job to process recycling and I encourage you to mention where they send their items and some of their financials.
Another key fact in your article should be to mention the global demand shift and the economic trends. It is more efficient and profitable to produce most manufacturing and packaging from new/clean sources than it is to deal with recycled vendors so the majority of purchasing agents for recycled materials represent only companies that have a GREEN Policy where they feel it is their ethical duty to use recycled material sources at a premium cost.
The majority of USA recycling is shipped to international buyers. The largest buyer until 2016 was China.  China has now changed their national policies to discontinue purchasing most American recycling and other products partially in response to the current political cabinet’s trade war tactics. Every recycling facility is now nearly full to capacity and actually sending most of our nations reusable materials off to be incinerated or buried instead.
Their input on how their business model has been affected by all of this would be a crucial inclusion in any article as well.
We must do our part and reduce and reuse above all before recycling. If our articles and media posts do not highlight this need for a paradigm shift in our own habits, we are not doing our duty.
Those who ignore what is happening and refuse to change their buying habits in order to generate far less waste are abruptly destroying life as we know it. The world is being buried in trash more and more every day and the world portrayed in sci-fy films like Wall-E and Idiocracy are proving to become reality much sooner than anticipated.