Posts Tagged ‘Insurance’

Here are the basics of the CARES Emergency Relief Act

I am receiving tons of messages asking for help blazing a trail through the relief programs so this blog will continue to be updated every time I answer a new question.

How Covid 19 has Affected me?
I started the year with high hopes. We had a medium size build and January was normal but then in Feb. my partner panicked from the virus and he choose to withhold my pay. I can’t blame him. The world is a survival of the fittest society more than ever now.
Basically I’m seeing this everywhere I look because people have panicked and they don’t know which way we are going to go from day to day.

For the same reason, I had two deals scheduled that have postponed their remodels and no one is showing any interest in scheduling free remodel consults.
My publishing and art orders are way down. And we have not had any donations to the foundation. We dare not even ask for funding over $100 until this is resolved.

Our shop sales decreased week to week and now there is a Mandatory Lock down so there will be no sales income until that is lifted.The STAY AT HOME ORDER was just activated for our counties and all the major city counties initiated this or are initiating it shortly. FOOD or work related travel only.

One positive out of this is that my computer consults are increasing. I am preparing a few advertisements to make up for the remodeling shortage.

I am also having more time to focus on my self care, wellness, gardening, art creation, house/vehicle chores and writing etc.


Here are the answers to the CARES ACT and stimulus questions. Keep asking and I will keep updating.

$600 plus your states weekly unemployment amount

Section 2102 (II) Explains:
Covered Individuals INCLUDE:
(II) is self-employed, is seeking part-time employment, does not have sufficient work history, or otherwise would not qualify for regular unemployment or extended benefits under State or Federal law or pandemic emergency unemployment compensation under section 2107 and meets the requirements of subclause (I)


DISASTER UNEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE program (File with your state office)
Everyone gets at least 13 weeks, along with the extra $600 payment.
Self-employed workers will also be eligible for the additional $600 weekly benefit provided by the federal government.

FAMILY CARE STIMULUS (File your taxes today!)
$1200 ea. plus $500 per kid deposits are being processed and deposited within 3-4 weeks for those who have filed taxes or file ASAP.

Section 4023: Interest FREE / Penalty FREE Loan Forbearance of Residential Mortgage
Mortgage payments and thus existing rent payments are to be suspended for 30 days and can be extended up to 2 additional 30 day periods interest & penalty free. The borrower just needs to write their loan officer and explain Covid19 has put their tennants or selves out of work and into a financial hardship. LOAN HOLDERS MUST CALL and request the 30 day extension prior to the 30 day expiration OF EACH FORBEARANCE PERIOD. Loans are simply extended as if this forbearance period never existed.

FOR LOAN HOLDERS: IF your loan officer gives you any trouble, get it in writing from an email with them and then I can help you get it higher up the ladder for approval.

Eviction efforts are outlawed as explained in 4023 (d) until the forbearance expires.

*In addition, most of the utility and phone companies have informed customers that their payments can be suspended without disruption of service, fee’s and interest.

IF you have children, you just declare that you have to stay home to home school and provide daycare and this protects you by law from loan payments, rent and from being fired from employment. There are plenty of other reasons COVID19 has caused us economic hardship so the eligibility requirements are extremely vague.

What ever your situation is out there, please stay safe and blessings of health to everyone out there!


For more details see:

Cover Pademic small


This winter I began researching and comparing dental prices in the East Texas area. I had hoped to find out more about insurance options and figured that the clinics would be forced to push ObamaCare propaganda upon me, however, that has not been the case.

Here is what I have found so far.

Free Dental Health Clinic


Dentist Info (NE Texas)

Dentistry from the Heart FREE CLINIC

1st Weekend in Feb.

Smith Dental


BETHESDA CLINIC  903.596.8353 x103

info & DWemp

Exam – $40 4 weeks delayed appointments

Canal – TBD after exam. Mine was $420 + $75 filling

emailed 1/25 (informed that all communication is only done in person)

1/26 – Visited and passed initial screening. Scheduled for March 3 xray exam for $40.

3/3 – Exam was well done with full explanations and exact pricing. Two month delay for next appointment but the savings are worth it. Cleanings are $40. Fillings are $25-60 depending on how many layers. They give referrals for reduced rate oral surgeries like removing wisdom teeth.

I was referred to oral surgeon, Dr. Parks. Their exam is $65 plus another $120 for Xrays even though you are already consulted and referred to them by an approved partner. The extraction will then cost up to $375.


Summer 2016 – I got 6 teeth filled.

August – my top wisdom tooth pressed my rear molar out and the pain was too intense to wait to remove the wisdom tooth so I had the molar pulled out.


September – scheduling to have my lower wisdom tooth extracted ASAP to prevent repeat pain.


HAWKINS – 903.769.1606 – Dr. Rosson

Exam – $90

Normal Extraction – $200

Wisdom Extraction – $

Canal – $600

Crown – $900

Openings –  weekly

What Insurance options accepted? NA

Payments – NO



VAN Cornerstone Dental –  903.963.8681 Ben Bunt

Exam – $?

Wisdom Extraction – $200+

Canal – $715+

Crown – NA

Openings –  weekly

What Insurance options are accepted? NA

Payments – NA



Aspen Dental  (Website not working 1/8?)

4164 South Broadway – Tyler – (903) 705-7574

Free first exam and Xray for new patients

25% off coupon on website for service

Exam – $NA

Wisdom Extraction – $NA

Canal – $NA

Crown – $NA

Openings -NA

What Insurance options are accepted?NA

Payments – ?NA

emailed – website troubles 1/8




Gentle Dental Care

3800 Southpark Drive, Suite B – Tyler – (903) 525-6712

Xrays – $1 new patient exam and Xrays ($175 value)

root canal: $TBD after visit

crown: $TBD

emailed – 1/8 (no reply)

called 12/22 – didn’t give any helpful pricing info


Primary Care Clinic

Tyler – 903-533-7400

Services: Rx Help, Sick/Well Visits, Vaccines/Shots, Diabetes, Women’s Health, Physicals, Men’s Health, Dental


See more at:

Exam – $NA

Wisdom Extraction – $NA

Canal – $NA

Crown – $NA

Openings -NA

What Insurance options are accepted? NA

Payments – ?NA


Wellness Point Family Health Gilmer – (903) 758-2610

602 Titus St. Suite 130 – Gilmer

Tuesday and Wednesday: 8am – 5pm

Friday: 8am – 12pm

If you are uninsured or unable to pay for health care but cannot afford insurance or simply don’t know what programs you qualify for, please call today, and Wellness Point will answer your questions and walk you through choosing a program that best suits your needs.


Longview Wellness Center

1107 E. Marshall Ave.




Hi, my name is Jan. 22 years ago I suffered a partial spinal cord injury from an unlucky fall in my parents’ home, bruising my spinal cord at the third vertebrae.

Since then I’ve learned to walk with a rolling walker, but after so many years muscle stiffness became more and more worse, which required greater dependence on a power scooter and home health aides. Nothing has been made available to regenerate my damaged spinal cord.

Very recently I was researching online about progress being made in spinal cord injury and one thing led to another. I made what looks to be my greatest discovery yet and it’s not a drug or surgery!

Intermittent Hypoxic Therapy (IHT) teaches your body to use less oxygen like athletes training for higher altitudes have been using for years to enhance their sports performance. For people with spinal cord injury, whether their injury is recent or old or partial or seemingly complete, clinical trials are showing that IHT will be a gamechanger.

IHT adapted to people with spinal cord injury stimulates your muscles and neurons into growing and making better connections. It may heal spinal cord damage fairly quickly!

Since I can walk with a walker and have full sensation, as well as excellent health, I believe I’ll respond very well to IHT and my physiatrist and nurse have given me to green light. The company Hypoxico found at has IHT equiipment the clinical trials use and will allow you to buy or rent it.

I’ve asked many pertinent questions about how the spinal cord injury researchers are using the IHT equipment and would like to rent it (the mask must be bought) for a month for the safest and best results.

I need help with the money, especially since Medicaid is charging me for two social security checks because I had a scooter accident last June (it fell on top of me) and needed hospitalization and rehab for three months after my health care agency dropped me because they changed their accreditation policy.

The frigid temperatures make my muscle stiffness or imbalanced muscle tone from my injury much worse and so I’d like to order the IHT equipment as soon as possible. it should be noted that IHT will help a lot with my energy level so I can walk and exercise more, even if my spinal cord isn’t directly regenerated.

Thanks for reading my story and I hope you’ll agree that IHT is a very promising gamechanger that I’ve been waiting decades for. I’m excited to use it! I’ve felt like I’ve been living in  a prison that keeps closing in on me in spite of trying to heal my cord with nutrition and walking. That’s helped, but I keep getting stiffer.






If medical insurance or medicaid has failed you. We want to hear your story. If you are a victim of a spinal injury and have research of your own to share, we want you to talk about it on our social media channels.

If you know someone who this campaign will benefit or you want to help with these causes, please click on the ASK 4 HELP tab at the top of our main page or directly contact us by emailing the director, Tim Frentz at

The current needs for this campaign are limited to expense funding for IHT Equipment, travel and result tracking supplies. You may also help if you have contacts for these items directly to limit expenses.


We could use assistance in Lincoln Nebraska at this time only but we hope to add more trial locations as this campaign spreads in awareness.



We are now accepting donations to fund our volunteer efforts.  PLEASE DONATE directly to payPal ID:

Thank you!!!!!!!!




Research on Hypoxia

*Check back for updates soon.  🙂